These words from my father will forever be engraved in my mind. “People should give flowers while people are alive instead of after they’ve passed.”
As a result, I chose to do my best to give kind words and encouraging words to those closest and dearest to me. I didn’t want them to leave this earth without knowing how much they meant to me.
This made Ephesians 4:29 to become among one of my favorite verses.
Why tear others down when you can build them up? Right?
This is a hard practice to develop, but when successful, it is easier to apply with closer friends than with spouses or parents, whom we tend to take for granted.
If we were to take a survey, my guess would be, more sweet words are given to moms than dads. That is why fathers would enjoy sweet and encouraging words from their children any day of the year, but especially on Father’s Day.
I pray I gave enough kind words to my dad. He passed near Father’s Day in 2015 so I can’t ask him now.
Wanting to treasure him in my memory forever, I wrote down the words I hoped I had shared with him
Doing so gave me an idea. Capturing sweet words from my children would make a neat gift to and for their dad on Father’s Day.
I realize not everyone was blessed to have a good father, but I encourage you to read anyway, for there is a message we all need to be reminded of.
Sweet Words to my Dad
Thank you, Dad, for loving me with daily hugs, kisses, and the words, “I love you.”
Thanks for loving me enough to correct me, teach me, and support me. This gave me courage to try new things and be independent.
Your examples of honesty, frugalness, and sense of humor weren’t wasted.
Your attentiveness, affection, and assistance to mom was ingrained in me, leading me to the man God created me for.
Thanks for teaching me money management, house repairs, and car maintenance the way you would a son.
I appreciated your encouraging me to ask questions. It reduced my fear and helped me adjust while losing vision and in our ministry.
Thank you for not just telling me about, but showing me a personal relationship with Jesus, and the importance of faithfulness in church. You loved God through your actions; not just words.
You made me proud, the way you fought cancer. You touched so many lives with your humor and kindness with those walking the same journey.
Sweet Words From my Children
We have three adult children. I kept their responses as close to their personalities as I could stand without editing. For this purpose, I will reference them with an “O” for oldest, “M” for middle child, and “Y” for youngest.
Y: Daddy is loving, caring, kind, and can sometimes be a pushover.
M: I can honestly say I know what unconditional love is, because he showed it to me. I wouldn’t have understood if dad hadn’t shown me love, even though I felt guilty for things I had done.
O: I’ve always felt loved. He’s always been there for me; no matter what. He’s a true example of Christ with his unconditional love, servant’s heart, and ability to forgive others. I’ve seen him forgive people I couldn’t.
Y: Daddy helps everyone and doesn’t stop when they take advantage of or are mean to him.
M: Dad always made time for us. I still remember the time I had a special performance he drove six hours one-way to surprise me, then drove right back.
Y: He’s always spoiled me by pretty much giving me what I wanted, yet still corrected me.
M: One thing I always knew was I could count on dad. No matter what I did, or whose fault it was, what time, or what he was doing, he’d be there.
Y: Daddy has always been a hard worker too. I learned from him to work whether I was sick, or not, and push through no matter what.
O: He was a good provider. I remember going to work with him and playing catch with the football.
3 Action Steps
- Let these lists inspire you to share sweet words with your father or dad in person, text, or a special card.
- Take a moment to pray similar accolades to your Heavenly Father for He is worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. He loves hearing sweet words from us.
- As you read this, did certain characteristics come to your mind for you to be a better example to your children and/or grandchildren? What do they see in you?
Lord bless our families. Help us to be better examples to our children, give You more praise and honor consistently, and share sweet words to both our fathers and our mothers. Amen.
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© 2024, Jena Fellers. All rights reserved.
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