Love changes our world, and falling in love changes our lives. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, everyone enjoys a good love story. You’re in luck, I have a special one for you today.
Our Word in Action Ministry, founded by my husband and myself, feeds the poor, and more. Sharing God’s love we witness many touched lives. However, this love story is most special to us for this couple met and married through our ministry, and it all began budding on a Valentine’s Day.
In the middle of the summer, David and his wife arrived at our dinners, not knowing where else to turn. Out of work and no place to live, Word in Action Ministry gave them a place to stay. Appreciative, and searching, with tears flowing down their cheeks they accepted Christ as their Savior, and began attending our church, Trinity Worship Center, regularly. By the time fall arrived, David’s wife couldn’t cope with the strongholds still tugging and tormenting her, and she left him.
Come January, Shelly and her nine-year-old son sought refuge with us. A fire destroyed her trailer two months earlier and they had moved temporarily in with a boyfriend, resulting in domestic violence. One phone call and she and her son were rescued. It wasn’t long before her and David spotted one another.
David and Shelly both look back to their first date on Valentine’s Day. David had invited her to join a singles group at the church’s Valentine dinner, where it went so well, they decided to go bowling afterwards.
As our ministry guided and mentored them individually, we were able to help each find employment or housing. Attempts were made to restore David’s marriage, but his wife wasn’t interested, and a long divorce pursued. By then, David and Shelly’s feelings for each other were flourishing, and they were becoming more committed in church and to Christ.
Waiting for David’s divorce to be finalized seemed like an eternity. Therefore, David and Shelly decided to wed right away. They were married in Word in Action’s donated limousine at
Schifferdecker Park in Joplin, Missouri on April 15, 2015. By the time enough money had been saved to have a church wedding, they had good news. . .they were expecting.
Doctors had told Shelly she would never bear another child. Her son had been a miracle. After six miscarriages, or not carrying them to term, Shelly’s 7th pregnancy was twins. However, her son was the only survivor. Even after his birth, she had two more miscarriages. On September 14th, though, Abigail arrived small, but healthy.
David and Shelly continue to be faithful to our church, and to the ministry. They share responsibilities in cooking at the dinners, and assisting at the thrift store. . . all while continuing to make
attempts to get back on their feet. Trusting in God for their provisions, David and Shelly give back to their community. Everyone deserves a second chance. They truly are an example of what can come from God’s love and support to the broken-hearted.
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SHARE THE LOVE. Feel free to share a bit of your love story in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. If not, share what love is to you.
© 2017, Jena Fellers. All rights reserved.
Robin Dixon says
I loved this Love Story!!!! Mostly because I personally know the people in the story! Smile!
It has been so awesome to watch the spiritual growth in this couple as they continue to move forward in life. Their faithfulness to the house of God is a great example to many!
God is always there to heal the brokenhearted and to make something beautiful out of the ashes of our lives.
Beautiful Valentine’s Story!
Pastor Robin
Jena Fellers says
Yes, Pastor Robin, God does heal the broken-hearted and creates beauty out of ashes. Thanks for bringing that out. Love and blessings.